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Essential Oils 101

The best way to learn about essential oils is to take a class. I currently offer two free courses

1) Business Builder Course - this course is for people who want to learn to build a business with doTERRA. My goal is not only for you to grow your income, but also for you to increase your overall health and happiness as you use doTERRA natural solutions in your everyday life.

2) Health Habits Challenge - this is an educational course and challenge all in one. In this 10 week course introduces you to Daily Habits using Essential Oils. Each week your mission is to bring in ONE essential oil healthy habit. Our hope is that these habits give you inspiration and excitement to fully receive the benefits of using essential oils in your everyday life to live happier and healthier than ever before.

If you are not already on my mailing list, make sure you sign up for that, so that you will be informed as I add new courses. If there is a course you would like me to offer, send me an email and let me know. 

Ready to purchase oils?

If you don't have oils yet, but want to sign up for a course, no worries, go ahead and sign up and then click below to purchase your starter kit. 

Essential Oil Courses

Business Builder Course

This course will teach you how to thrive with doTERRA essential oils. Learn how to incorporate oils into your everyday life and how to share your journey with others.

Healthy Habits Course

Take this 10-week course for an in depth analysis of the many ways to start using essential oils today. Master the art of switching toxin filled products for safer options.

Get the Free Guide 

DIY Toxin Free Green Cleaning Guide

When people start to realize the amount of toxins in their everyday cleaning supplies, they start to research greener options. In this free guide you will learn how to make your own green cleaning supplies, saving your money and allowing you to know exactly what is in your products.